UKS2 Web

In this unit you will be learning how to use HTML and CSS to design and create your very own website for students in KS1.

6.5 Creating Content
6.6 User Interface

In this unit you will be using Sway one of the apps in your Microsoft 365 account to design and create a website for students in KS1.

5.1 Web: Marine Ecology Application

5.1 Web: Using Sway to Create A Website for KS1 

To use research for the creation of a website. To add text, images and weblinks.

Check out these examples of learning blogs created for children in KS1. 

N.B. Before you begin make sure that you click the button to trust all the links in this Sway for this session.

6.1 Web: Share
To understand that the world wide web is one of the services offered on the internet. To know that the world wide web consists of many websites and web pages that can be accessed using the internet.

6.2 Web: Remix with X-Ray Goggles
X-Ray Goggles is a browser extension that lets users see the code behind any webpage — and then remix it to create a customized version. The goal: give users a fun, hands-on way to learn HTML and CSS.

6.3 Web: Hack The Klein Academy
To know that HTML gives a webpage structure. To change a picture on a web page.


6.4 Web: Decode
To read basic HTML code. To understand how HTML provides structure for web content.