Mrs. Klein's Web Quest 2.7: Conclusion

Mrs. Klein's Web Quest

Mrs. Klein's Web Quest

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a huge collection of computers around the world. These computers are all linked together, and they can "talk" to each other, sharing information.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, it can be connected to millions of other computers, in many different parts of the world.

What can you do on the Internet?

Sending email

You can send e-mail to people.

Playing games

You can play games.

Finding out things

You can find things out.

Chatting with friends

You can chat to your friends and family.

Buying things

You can buy things and have them delivered to your house.

Listening to music

You can listen to music and watch videos online.

What can't you do online?
Click on the Answer Box below, choose the correct number and then click on 'Check'.

You should now have collected seven letters. The letters are scrambled up but if you look carefully you should be able to spell a word. What is the word? Click on the blue arrow to email your answer.