GRAPHICS 1.1 Digital Art with Paul Klee & Jackson Pollock

Lesson 1.1 How can we paint using computers?

To learn how to paint using a digital device. 

Be Inspired: 
Can you tell me what these freehand tools do? 

Check It Out: 
Today you are going to use digital versions of these tools using an app called Paintz. 
  • The white area is the drawing space.
  • The buttons at the top/side of the window are called tools, and they all have different jobs. 
Let's explore and see what the tools do:  

Can you find the following:
  • paintbrush
  • pencil
  • eraser 
  • fill tool (NB close the shape)
  • spray can
  • undo tool

Do Your Best: 
Take some time to explore by yourself! Once you've got an idea of what to do have a go at taking your pencil for a walk, just like the artist Paul Klee (see below). 

Remember how to clear your image to get a blank page and how to save your work once it is finished.


Extension Task: 
Ready for a challenge? Have a look at this app that allows you to create art in the style of Jackson Pollock.

This painting was made by Mrs. Klein

Take some time to look at one another's artwork. Can you tell me what you found out today about using Paintz? Can you tell me what tools you used? Did you find out anything else? 
