DC04. Our Digital Citizenship Pledge

Our Digital Citizenship Pledge
What makes a strong online community?

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Belonging to various communities is important for kids' development. But some online communities can be healthier than others. Show your students how they can strengthen both online and in-person communities by creating norms that everyone pledges to uphold.

Students will be able to:
Define what a community is, both in person and online.
Explain how having norms helps people in a community achieve their goals.
Create and pledge to adhere to shared norms for being in an online community.

Being respectful and considerate with technology outside your own home can be hard. It’s best to ask permission and follow the rules in someone else’s house and when using someone else’s device.

5. Charlotte's Online Friend (5.5 Chat)
To understand how to chat safely and sensibly. To make sensible and considered judgements about whether or not to trust online content and people when online.

6. Lost Princess & White Knight (5.2 Personal)
To understand the concept of personal and private information. To understand the concept of personal safety in real life and online. Who are you talking to? What are you sharing? (Rings of Responsibility)  To make our own Digital Citizenship pledge.

7. Trust/ Search Engines/ Fake News (5.4 Trust)
To explore the validity of online content. Can you trust the website? Seeing Is Believing