Lesson 5.2 Using Excel as a Calculator
Today you will use Microsoft Excel to calculate the answers to your 13 times tables. You will also learn how to resize your web page.
Be Inspired:
Excel is so cool! It can also be used as a calculator. Click on this link to check out the different ways you can perform calculations. The key take-away is knowing that we type the = sign first and when it comes to multiplication calculations we use the * (shift 8).
Check It Out:
Use Excel to solve your 13 times tables (or another difficult set of tables). You can then continue to collect data for other times-tables and update your Excel work-book. (Remember your work should be in Downloads). If you cannot find your work you use the template again:
Do Your Best:
Are you ready to play?
Extension Task:
Make sure you take a screenshot of your scores as evidence. If you have completed your x2s, x10s and x13s you can take a screenshot of your work and paste it into Seesaw.
Finally Fun!
Once you have finished head over to your coding or keyboarding course.