Data 1.3 Tally Charts & Pictograms: My Favourite Fruit

Lesson 1.3 Tally Charts & Pictograms: My Favourite Fruit

Today you are going to learn how to create a pictogram showing the favourite fruits of students in our class.

Be Inspired: 
What's your favourite fruit? Check out the song below and choose your favourite fruit.

Check It Out: 
Have a look at the website where you can make your very own pictogram. Decide which fruits to include in your survey.

Do Your Best: 
Once you have decided on the fruits you will need to carry out your survey. Mrs. Klein likes to use a tally chart to record her results. Click here to find a tally chart that you can use in class.

Extension Task: 
Once you have finished making your pictogram have a look at the data and see if you can answer the following questions:
1. What is the most popular fruit in our class?
2. What is the least popular fruit in our class?

Finally Fun!
Click on the picture below to explore the Food Farmer game: