Animations B2. Zoetropes & Walt Disney

Many animations that we enjoy watching today are made using computers. 

Before the use of computers animations were made by artists who would draw each picture by hand one at a time.

One of the earliest ideas for watching an animation was by using something called a zoetrope. You might like to have a go at making your very own zoetrope.

Another famous animator was Walt Disney. He spent hours and hours drawing the pictures for his animations. You've probably heard of one of his most famous animated characters - Mickey Mouse.

Before creating an animation it is a good idea to think about how you will create the illusion of movement. The picture below shows how you can create an animation that looks as though someone is walking:

This tutorial is taken from a book from E.G. Lutz. He was the master of animation before the use of computers.

This week can you have another go at creating an animated piece of work using Brush Ninja. 

How many frames/pictures did you make? 

REMINDER - Talk to students about file management.